Dr. Masao Doyama, who served as JIC president for many years and was active in reunion parties and board meetings until just a few years ago, passed away on January 2, 2024, at the age of 96.
堂山先生は昭和2年2月8日生まれ,昭和27年に東京大学工学部冶金学科をご卒業の後,昭和29年から米国ノートルダム大学を経て昭和33年にイリノイ大学大学院でMS in Physicsを取得,昭和37年にPh.Dを取得の後,シカゴのアルゴンヌ国立研究所(ANL)でリサーチアソシエート,イリノイ大学大学院の訪問助教授を経て,昭和42年から東京大学工学部の助教授になりました.更に昭和50年には東京大学で工学博士を取得,教授となりました.その後名古屋大学工学部の教授を経て,西東京科学技術大学教授,平成7年に帝京科学大学理工学部教授となりました.
Dr. Doyama received MS in Physics from the University of Illinois in 1958, and received Ph.D in 1962. He bacame a Research Associate at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) in Chicago and as a visiting assistant professor at the University of Illinois Graduate School of Engineering, before becoming an associate professor in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Tokyo in 1967. In 1975, he received a doctorate in engineering from the University of Tokyo and became a professor. After that, he became a professor at the Faculty of Engineering, Nagoya University, a professor at the West Tokyo University of Science and Technology, and in 1995, a professor at the Faculty of Science and Technology, Teikyo University of Science.