Reunion Party 2023 リユニオンパーティ2023のお知らせ
2023年7月1日(土)12:00〜14:00 ,2019年以来4年ぶりに対面形式でリユニオンパーティを東京・千代田区のホテルグランドヒル市ヶ谷で行います.
On Saturday, July 1st, 2023, from 12:00 to 14:00, we will hold a reunion party in person for the first time in four years at Hotel Grand Hill Ichigaya in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.
When we held the event online last year, we were able to learn about how everyone who is active around the world and in Japan spent their time during the third year of the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, many students who are taking online programs from the University of Illinois, such as iMBA and iMCS, participated, allowing us to feel more familiar with the university's new initiatives. This year, the event will be held in Japan, so the participation of those living in the metropolitan area will be the main focus. However, we hope that everyone can enjoy the reunion party in person format after a long time.
To allow for more discussions with as many participants as possible in a limited amount of time, this year we will have short talks in a relay format (30 seconds to a maximum of 1 minute) instead of a keynote speech. Participants will be divided into randomly assigned groups to have discussions and deepen their interactions. After that, participants can move freely to continue their conversations. We hope that participants can find old friends, make new acquaintances, and network with people from different backgrounds such as scholarship recipients, classmates, and those in the same department. Although we will not hold the bingo game that used to be a tradition, we plan to provide Illinois merchandise to some participants, although this may be difficult to provide to everyone due to the limited quantity available.
Please make your participation application at this Peatix site shown below along with payment of the participation fee. Payment can be made by credit card, convenience store payment, or bank transfer.
Japan Illini Club Reunion Meeting OnLine 2023
- 日 時:2023年7月1日(土) 12:00-14:00 (日本時間)
- 場所:ホテルグランドヒル市ヶ谷 (東京都千代田区,市ヶ谷駅から徒歩5分)
- 地図:会場の地図
- 参加費: 事前払いのみ:クレジットカード,コンビニ,銀行振り込み
- 一般,同伴者: 10,000円 (ただしお子様は無料)
- 大学学部生・大学院修士学生: 7,000円
- 参加申し込み先:ここをクリック Click here for application and payment
- 申し込み期限:6月24日(土)までにお申し込みください
- Date :July. 1st (Sat), 12:00-14:00 JST
- Venue: Hotel Grand-hill Ichigaya, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
- Map Click here
- Admission: applications are accepted with the advance payment
- 10,000 yen (regular)
- 7,000 yen (Grad, Undergrad students)
- Application and payment: Click here for application and payment
- How to change the application and payment page written in JAPANESE to ENGLISH menu: Please scroll down the page to the bottom, and you can find language switcher at the left bottom. If you can not find it, you can click here to change it to ENGLISH. Then, move back to the application page by clicking here
- Due for application: June 24th (Sat)
- 11:30- 受付開始 (申し込み時のPeatixの画面または印刷物を見せてください)
- 12:00- 開会挨拶 (古市 会長)
- 12:05- 参加者リレートーク 順番:理事→奨学生OB/OG→会員(学部/地域等の順)
- 12:45- ブレイクアウトセッション(懇談) グループに別れて懇談,その後各自自由に移動可
- 13:15- まとめセッション (いくつかのグループから,懇談結果等を報告)
- 13:55- 閉会挨拶(矢部 副会長)
- 14:00- 閉会
- 11:30- Reception desk opens (Please show your Peatix screen)
- 12:00- Opening remarks (by Mr. Furuichi, Chairman
- 12:05- Relay talk by participants (Order: Board members → Scholar alumni → Members (in order of department/region, etc.))
- 12:45- Breakout Sessions (Initial assignments will be made at random; participants will be free to move around afterwards)
- 13:15- Summary Session Reports on the results of the discussions from several breakout rooms
- 13:55- Closing remarks by Vice President Yabe
- 14:00- After the closing session
Japan Illini Club (JIC) is operated by annual membership fees from its members. Membership fees were not collected during the COVID-19 pandemic for the fiscal years 2020, 2021, and 2022. However, we will resume collecting membership fees from the fiscal year 2023. The membership fee will be collected separately from the participation fee of this reunion party at a later date. Thank you for your cooperation.